Saturday, April 27, 2013


this shoot was my third shoot today
i am so tired
it was an amazing shoot with an amazing team, i felt like everything went really smoothly and the whole operation was super down-to-earth and chill
i'm so sleepy right now
i might take a nap right after i post these

models: becca, anna, & kayla
makeup: cassie lynn young
hair: jade mulgrew

i love how i plan my shoots out to be one thing and they turn out completely different!
i like how my mind works
~franey xx

kayla with candy

model is kayla holts • hair and makeup by casey ritchie • photography and styling by me
~franey xo

olivia with balloons

my first 2 day shoot. model is olivia utley • makeup and hair by cassie lynn young • styling by the tangerine closet

~franey xo

Sunday, April 21, 2013

teen dream

last night i set up my room as a fairy dreamland with yasmeen and serene
serene slept in this morning while helen modeled and yasmeen did hair and makeup and grimes was playing and it just felt like a dream
much appreciation for the beach house album, too
